I am posting this in response to
Jeff is partially correct in the rough estimate of how long I worked for him and the paper. What he has left out is that I electively stopped working for him because he failed to pay me for over 35 days and I refused to move forward until the remaining elements of the distribution program were set in place.
Just before I stopped working for Jeff, there was an incident where I was arrested by local police for a warrant on a fix-it ticket (which I had remedied a year prior) that was unlawfully mismanaged by both the Sheriff’s Department and an L.A. County Courthouse. I did not require bail, as they were only interested in fingerprinting and processing me, but my car was impounded. I had never before been arrested in my life.
Under the advisement of
By the time Jeff paid me any money, four weeks after my arrest and over 60 days since my last paycheck, the impound fees had risen to over a thousand dollars and I was unable to pay the conniving bastard cops who jailed my car in their own private lot.
I had a conversation with Jeff the day I received the partial, Saturday, December 8th. I told him what I received was only half of what was due to me. He promised to send “no less than $500” the following Tuesday. That was the last I heard from him until yesterday’s less than inspirational much-anticipated bologna and cheese update.
You are no Jerry McGuire. Cut the crap. Nobody appreciates your bullshit mission statement based on holier-than-thou moral judgments of others, chock-full of one excuse after another about why you are clean and all else involved in this is dirty. You have no Dorothy Boyd, nobody’s “with you”. You’ve walked out alone. If you think God is walking with you, you may be right. In Bible Studies I learned that God has a special place for retards like you.
I’d like to address a couple of accusations contained in your pointless dissertation. Please refer to Volume 1, somewhere around page 11 where you tell me that I should be ashamed of myself. You were frequently a humorous person to work with, but this requires a moment for one to compose herself.
Let us take this one question at a time:
1. Did you forget so quickly that I am the one who convinced you to work with
“Forgetting” would require it to be true. Jeff, seriously? You suggested something to me that I had already done. I spoke with Ed earlier that day because Derick suggested Ed to me the night before when he called to see if I was okay after receiving this email that I sent to the both of you:
From USA Tomorrow |
Maybe amnesia is the real issue here. Don’t you remember that by the time you “convinced” me to contact Ed, I had already spoken with him? Don’t you remember what you said once I told you I had spoken with him? “I was thinking to tell you to call
From USA Tomorrow |
Jeff, what I needed from you, minimally as my employer, was for you to pay me for working for you. A few hundred of the three thousand you owed me would have done it temporarily.
From USA Tomorrow |
I worked for you 10 and 12 hours a day, covered your ass, stood in your defense, sold your paper, worked double time to iron out issues the distributors were complaining about and you still throw me to the wolves. Don’t preach to me about loyalty.
You squawk about armchair Patriots, but what the hell do you really know about making positive changes in our country or in peoples’ lives? What have you accomplished? You managed to steal money from hundreds of people and you have done irreparable damage to the futures other Patriots who are on the straight and narrow. You are doing nothing but tarnishing Ron Paul’s name and the Liberty Movement. You have ripped off me, Derick, Earle, William, Josh, Brandon, Patrick… hm, who else worked on the paper, ED! You even lied to Devvy and now you are lying about the lie. I’m calling bullshit on you again. I read that email. You were selling First Capital.
You have swindled and abandoned everybody associated with the paper. We ALL stuck our necks out for you and you have the balls to say that “Eliza” should be ashamed of herself?! You are a freaking wacko. Consult the Bible on that one. I’m sure it says something like the assertion in my opening paragraph to you. It’s one of two things, Jeff; God either pities you for your emotional and mental handicap or God will damn you to the bowels of Tartarus with the rest of the criminals.
2. Was it not illegally impounded?
Yes it was illegally impounded. What is your point?
3. The last I recall, you have your car back, yes?
No, Jeff. I don’t have my car back. You didn’t pay me my wages so I could get it out before the impound fees were atrocious. Guess what you did for me. You turned a 35 day paycheck into a 60+ day HALF of a paycheck. So now instead of taking the advice of those whom I respect, I have to fight it the hard way. Thanks, Jeff. You are such the Patriot, oh and an exemplary employer. Did I mention that part?
4. Why? Didn’t Ed help you get your vehicle released and some charges dropped against you? I don’t recall all the details, but Ed did indeed help you and I recall you being very thankful for that.
Why, yes! I hold Ed with the utmost gratitude and respect for many reasons. I am extremely thankful for not only for the help he is providing me in this case, but also for his grounded guidance in how to deal with it. I’ve learned a lot from Ed in the few short conversations I’ve had with him.
How on God’s green earth do you lay ANY claim on Ed’s accomplishments? You get loonier by the minute, Jeff. Really, you need professional psychiatric help.
I am thankful for my involvement with the newspaper for a few reasons. I’ve met many interesting people, GOOD Patriots with good hearts and sharp minds that I hope to have life-long friendships with. Your crookedness has brought us all closer together. I’ve also learned how NOT to run a newspaper and the type of employer I do NOT want to be. An employee should never have to beg for their pay. It is so tragic that you orchestrated these lessons for us.
I can really care less what you have to say about me, Jeff. It’s your choice if you want to continue to slander me, but just know that it does you no good. I’m good with the people I’ve met, the relationships I built with Patriots nationwide. Do what you want. That’s between you and God.
One last thing I’m going to put to bed here is this lie that you’ve been spreading about me that I sold the program wrong. You’ve verbally slandered me to some of the distributors about this and now you’ve done it in print, so it’s worth addressing.
I had the program down just the way you trained me. It went something like this:
“Subscribers will pay $20 for 6 editions.”
“How often will the paper be printed?”
“We are shooting for every 4-6 weeks in the beginning until we fine tune operations. My publisher hopes to eventually print on a true monthly schedule, but we are new, so we are asking that you bear with us.”
“Oh, sure! The paper is great….”
Another aspect of the print schedule was that you required the distributors to engage into a 3 month commitment of buying no less than 200 papers per month. One of the big questions was, “If USA Tomorrow gets behind on its print schedule, will I be required to buy 200 of an edition I already paid for?”
I had to pull teeth to get you to answer this question. I finally cornered you on it and you had to concede not to charge them twice for an issue they already had.
Here are your words from an email you sent me on October 12th, verbatim, “No, the distributors will not have to buy 200 of the same issue. I am looking to be on the ball with these monthly editions.” And “I originally started with wanting to produce a new edition every 5 to 6 weeks, but now I see it is possible to do one new edition every month.” Are you suffering from amnesia again? Here’s the email:
From USA Tomorrow |
How about from Carlos on October 10th? “Jeff said the paper will come out every month.”:
From USA Tomorrow |
Jeff, you even sent out confirmation emails to subscribers, which stated that they should expect their “monthly” editions starting in a couple of weeks.
Even with this, you telling me the editions would be monthly, I still sold the program such that they would need to bear with us, to expect a new edition every 6 weeks. I knew I had to give us a cushion because you were so disorganized and refused to allow anybody to get the work done.
I’m glad you asked me whether I had contacted Ron about subsequent editions. Yes, Jeff, I certainly did. The first time I contacted him in September, he very bluntly told me that there won’t be a third until you paid him what you owed him. Another time I contacted him in December. It was just after I had gotten off of the phone with you. You had said that the 3rd as almost done, that we would print a special Christmas edition. I called Ron and he was totally in the dark, he had not received any material from you and that you and Ed still had some things to work out before a 3rd was ever to be printed.
Jeff, do you notice a pattern here? Are you really so delusional that you don’t get why everybody has turned their back on you? You are sick, Jeff and until you submit to that and make reparations to those you’ve harmed, your life will remain a living hell.
One last thing, Jeff. You have accused me of being an opportunist. Please explain to me where my opportunity is. I am not charging anybody to expose you as a fraud. I’m participating in these discussions for the sake of karma because I am guilty of promoting you and the fecal matter you call “financial products” despite the warnings that were right in front of me.
You still owe me $1500.